Sunday, November 2, 2008


As you well know if you have been following on Rampillion has once again drew on the also eligibles on Wednesday. The odds once again are slim that she will draw into the race and we are now looking at running in the original race we were pointing for on the 12th. Obviously there are options for her if we were to ship but I would really prefer to run her close to home 1st time out because there are enough obstacles for a young horse making her fist start and I prefer not to add shipping to the mix. She continues to train well and we will probably work her again at the end of the week.

Aldebutante is getting shoes put back on her feet tomorrow and has been feeling really good the past few days. We are keeping her on medication for her feet for another 10 days or so but she is ready to start training again.

The other two are doing well at BEC while being turned out.

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